Timebank Auckland Network
How we work
We are a member based organisation supporting people interested to exchange time. To become a member you need to join Timebank Auckland. There is currently one active timebank in Auckland based in Sandringham called Auckland Central. We accept members from across Auckland but most exchanges happen at locally. As our membership grows in other locations other timebanks can be created.
You can join Timebank Auckland as an individual, a community group or an organisation of some kind. Joining is a 2 step process and to become a full member both of these steps need to be completed. Once you have joined Timebank Auckland you can exchange time within the Auckland Timebank network.
A glimpse into our timebank
Timebank Auckland uses a few different systems to enable members to connect with each other, to make offers and exchanges and to store time-credits. These are as follows:
We have a Timebank Auckland Central Facebook group where community activities and opportunities are shared as well as offers and requests made. This group is open to members and non-members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/timebankac/ You need to answer 3 questions to join this group.
Our timebank software is where offers and requests can also be listed and where time-credits are stored. You need to join the timebank to access this system. You can join the timebank here
If you would like to view some offers and requests you can do so here
Ways to connect
Join the Timebank Auckland Central Facebook page: Members and non-members can join the Facebook group where community activities, volunteer and exchange opportunities are shared. Join the group here.
Meet in-person: We meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month at Gribblehirst Hub in Sandringham www.ghub.nz