Timebank management & software


This page is to outline where Timebank Auckland software and management is currently at. It also overviews how we might move forward to create an easy to manage timebank for Timebanks across the Timebank Auckland network. It outlines immediate issues as well identifies some top goals which will help create a timebank experience for people.

Currently Timebank Auckland uses Timebank USA to manage and hold time-credits for timebank members: http://auckland.timebanks.org Currrently few members use Timebank USA Software even tho it works. There are few exchanges happening on the timebank.  Many members are interested in joining in community events and attending workshops. There isn’t quite enough offers and request to engage even the most keen members.  Possiblly better presentation of offers and requests could help this, or an exchange coordinator might also help connect members to opportunities.

Timebank Auckland uses Airtable to manage new sign ups and automatic emails for things like welcoming new members and onboarding. It is part of the website www.timebankauckland.nz . and members sign up here: www.timebankauckland.nz/join/ This system enables coordinators to welcome and manage new members quite easily. Ideally this process would be part of any future software.

There are currently there are 2 membership lists. One on Timebank /USA – offers, requests, profiles and exchanges and one in Airtable – Membership management – members dont see this , used to sent automatic emails,- lots of potential to expand the functionaity with the right technical people involved.


Research collated

Finding a software solution for Timebank Auckland needs to solve some immediate issues. Longer term software goals need to be identified through research and understanding goals and be put into a requirements document.

We loose timebank USA software in March – May 2023. We need to find a replacement for this. Options include

  • Use replacement software created by MadeOpen and managed by timebank USA. Comments on this:
    • There is no clarity around the costs or the functionality offered by Timebank USA / MadeOpen.
    • Its not open source
  •  Use simple online accounting ledger managed by coordinators
    • comments to come.
  • Use new open source software such as TimeOverFlow
    • Use new open source software such as TimeOver flow.


Long term goals

To get clarity around some goals for Timebank Auckland. Priorities in organisation which will inform the software decisions.

This might include:

To get clarity around some goals for timebank Auckland. These could be
there are people in this https://credit-commons.gitlab.io/principles-for-timebanking-software/#introduction
to have developers focused on creating solutions to meet the needs of Timebank Auckland.

At the very least we need a place to hold time-credits

Please to list offers and requests.


Options going forward


Becoming a member

Join a local Auckland timebank or an Auckland-wide member. A member exchanges skills, goods and resources using time as the currency.  A member can be an individual, a community group, an organisation, a school, a marae or even a business. 


Joining an event

You can join an event to see what we do.  You dont need to be a member. 


Donating good things

Things donated to the timebank are offered to our community generally for time-credits. You can donate anything from food to goods to equipment. 

Becoming a Good-work partner

Good-work Partners are members who reward their volunteers with time-credits.  You need to meet the criteria to become a Good-work Partner. 

Becoming a Sponsor

The timebank relies on sponsors to keep the timebank running.  Mostly it pays for people to get things done and keep members active in the timebank. 

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