You can get involved by:

Becoming a member

Join a local Auckland timebank or an Auckland-wide member. A member exchanges skills, goods and resources using time as the currency.  A member can be an individual, a community group, an organisation, a school, a marae or even a business. 


Joining an event

You can join an event to see what we do.  You dont need to be a member. 


Donating good things

Things donated to the timebank are offered to our community generally for time-credits. You can donate anything from food to goods to equipment. 

Becoming a Good-work partner

Good-work Partners are members who reward their volunteers with time-credits.  You need to meet the criteria to become a Good-work Partner. 

Becoming a Sponsor

The timebank relies on sponsors to keep the timebank running.  Mostly it pays for people to get things done and keep members active in the timebank. 

Connect with us